My Love for Starbound

My love of StarBound(Name in progress)

Step One

My Website


Starbound... A beautifully crafted game made by the Englsh company Chucklefish games. While I'm no expert I hope I can help you learn the ropes of your galactic advance throughout the universe.

Because HTML was invented by Americans, we have to spell centre "center" or it won't work!

Welcome to the lonely universe.

As you awaken on your ship the only thing you can do is look around. As informed by you PDA you have to find a Matter Manipulator. This tool is you only scrap of hope when surviving (Am I the only one that thinks it looks like a Plasma cutter from Dead Space?)

You after dominating the game

The Alien world

A Pioneer's First Step.

Warping down to the planet below. you will already notice a vast array of wildlife it all seems very daunting but soon you will be on top. Start off with the generic sandbox starting action. Chop down trees.I can already hear the loyal Minecraft fans flowing with aggressive hormones as they send me and Chucklefish Games premptive hate mail...